
Seagrass is one of the aquatic plants that can be used as a bioindicator in the waters. This research aims to determine the morphological structure of seagrass as bioindicators and the amount of cyanide content in seagrass plants in the waters of Sekotong, West Lombok. This research was conducted in July - August 2021 at Pewaringan Beach, Sekotong, West Lombok. Determination of the sample point is done by purposive sampling. Data were collected using line transect method simple random sampling  at three points. Data analysis was carried out on seagrass plants with complete roots, stems, and leaves using a spectrophotometer at BLKPK NTB Province. The results showed that the characteristics of seagrass in the three research locations had a slightly muddy sandy substrate and slightly sandy muddy, an average leaf  length of 21.5 cm, an average leaf  width of 1.10 cm, an average stem length of 9.4 cm, diameter the average stem is 0.74 cm, the average root length is 7.29 and the average root diameter is 0.25 cm. The ANOVA test showed that the significant value was <0.05, so there was a significant difference in the morphology of the seagrass. The cyanide content in the waters of Pewaringan Beach was found to be on average 12,341 mg/kg or 0.495 mg/L. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 57 of 2016 the standard cyanide content in waters is 0.5 mg/L. So that the cyanide content in the waters of Pewaringan Beach is still within safe limits.


  • Lamun (Seagrass) merupakan tumbuhan berbunga yang termasuk dalam kelas Angiospermae

  • The results showed that the characteristics of seagrass in the three research locations had a slightly muddy sandy substrate and slightly sandy muddy, an average leaf length of 21.5 cm, an average leaf width of 1.10 cm, an average stem length of 9.4 cm, diameter the average stem is 0.74 cm, the average root length is 7.29 and the average root diameter is 0.25 cm

  • The concentration of Heavy Metals on Roots, Stem, and Leaves of Enhalus Acoroides, in Tundra Island, Banten Bay.Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 10(3)

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Bahan dan Metode

Alat dan Bahan Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah oven, neraca analitik, krus atau cawan porselin, tanur listrik 550°C, refraktometer, salinometer, ember, penggaris, kantong plastik bening, kertas saring, parfilm, pipet tetes, gelas ukur, labu volumetrik, corong, masker, kaos tangan karet, kuadran 1x1 m, dan spektrofotometer panjang gelombang 612 nm. Bahan yang digunakan yaitu sampel tanaman lamun, aquades, dan reagen sianida

Waktu dan Tempat
Metode Penelitian
Hasil dan Pembahasan
No Stasiun
Standar baku lingkungan
Pembahasan Berdasarkan laporan hasil uji BLKPK
Kualitas Perairan di Perairan Pantai Pewaringan
Ucapan Terima Kasih Ucapan terima kasih saya ucapkan kepada
Lamun Enhalus acoroides dan Thalassia hemprichii di perairan Pantai Kartini
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