
In recent years, in Ukraine, as well as around the world, some local breeds have been on the verge of extinction, resulting in irretrievable loss of valuable genes, reduction of genetic diversity. In order to avoid these problems, it is necessary to work on the conservation of animal genetic resources. The creation of banks for long-term storage of biological material is one of the methods of preserving the gene pool of local, small and indigenous breeds of animals.
 Sperm quality is one of the main factors that determines the success of insemination of heifers and cows. Comprehensive analysis of sperm includes a large number of qualitative and quantitative indicators, the accuracy of which is influenced by a number of objective and subjective factors.
 Currently, microscopic analysis of sperm motility and survival is used in production conditions. Such approaches are easy to implement, but their results can be subjective. Research using a computer-based sperm fertility analysis system is becoming a priority today. With the help of CASA-Sperm Vision it is possible to carry out a morphological analysis already during the study of sperm motility.
 The purpose of our research was to analyze the quality of deep-frozen sperm of sires of Lebedinian breed and original brown cattle of Germany in order to attract such genetic material in the conservation of local Lebedinian breed cattle.
 Materials and methods. In the study used cryopreserved sperm doses of five sires of Lebedinian breed and three sires of the original brown cattle of Germany.
 Researches of qualitative, quantitative and dynamic characteristics of sperm of bulls were carried out at the laboratory of biotechnology of reproduction of Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics nd. a. M.V.Zubets of NAAS and production laboratory "Ukrainian genetic company" using computer analysis of sperm motility Sperm Analysis System Version 12 IVOS.
 It was determined that the average dose of cryopreserved sperm of bulls of the Lebedinian breed was 0.25 ml, and of the sires of the original brown cattle of Germany -0.21 ml. It was found that the sires of the original brown cattle of Germany had the best indicators of total sperm motility by 21.7% compared to the sires of the Lebedinian breed (55.7%). They also noted a greater number of sperm with straight-forward movement of 16.5%. (40.2% of the Lebedinian breed sires).
 The average concentration of sperm in one milliliter was 10.5 times higher in animals of the Lebedinian breed (compared to the sires of the original brown cattle of Germany (331 million/ml).
 Comparing the indicators of the average speed of the sperm on the average trajectory (VAP), it should be noted that the minimum value was 85.3 microns/sec, the maximum value for this indicator – 141.7 microns/sec. The results of the VSL study showed that the average value of this indicator of sperm in the studied sperm doses of sires of the Lebedinian breed was 102 microns/sec, of the original brown cattle of Germany – 75.
 Obtained opposite to the direction coefficients of the correlation depending on the origin, between total sperm motility and average sperm speed for the average trajectory, the average speed of the sperm on the real trajectory, the average deviation of the sperm, the degree of straightness of the directed movement of sperm.
 1. The complex of researches provided an objective analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of cryopreserved sperm production of the bulls of original brown cattle of Germany and the Lebedinian breed. It was found that the quality of the studied sperm doses met the requirements of "Instructions for Artificial Insemination of Cows and Heifers" (Order of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine dated August 1, 2001 № 230).
 2. The comparative analysis of sperm production of the original brown cattle of Germany and the Lebedinian breed for its long-term storage was carried out. It is established that the sperm of sires of the original brown cattle of Germany exhibit higher dynamic characteristics of movement, while the sperm of sires of the Lebedinian breed were inferior to them in these indicators.
 3. The possibility of insemination of females with cryopreserved sperm of the studied bulls whose sperm production has been stored for more than 30 years has been proved.


  • The article presents the results of studies of sperm producers of the Lebedinian breed and the original brown cattle of Germany in order to establish the possibility of their use for the preservation and improvement of the gene pool of the Lebedinian breed

  • The differentiation of individual indicators of sperm production quality depending on the breed of sires was revealed

  • The obtained results indicate a correlation between the mobility parameters and some dynamic characteristics of the gametes mobility

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Лебединська порода

За результатами досліджень спермопродукції плідників ми охарактеризували сперматозоїди за особливістю їх руху (табл. 2). За результатами досліджень спермопродукції плідників ми охарактеризували сперматозоїди за особливістю їх руху Середня кількість сперматозоїдів виявлених в спермодозі плідників лебединської породи становила 868 млн., що на 769 млн. Більше, ніж у плідників оригінальної бурої худоби Німеччини. Середня концентрація сперматозоїдів в одному мілілітрі була в 10,5 раз більша у тварин лебединської породи (порівняно із плідниками оригінальної бурої худоби Німеччини (331 млн./мл)

Локально рухомі
Показник лебединська оригінальна бура порода худоба Німеччини
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