
This study aims to: (1) Analyze the demand for organic vegetables in the city of Mataram, (2) To analyze the factors that influence the demand for organic vegetables in the city of Mataram. the type of data used in this study is qualitative data and quantitative data obtained in the form of not numbers and figures.
 Data collection methods are through the questionnaire (survey) method using primary data and secondary data. Analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive data analysis used to analyze consumer demand, and statistical data analysis used to analyze the factors that influence the demand for organic vegetables is done by analyzing the cob-douglas function.
 The results of the analysis show that: (1) the average demand for organic broccoli in Mataram City is 1,300 kg / month, (2) the average demand for organic cucumber vegetables in Mataram City is 2,333 kg / month, (3) the average the average demand for organic eggplant in Mataram City is 1,019 kg / month, (4) the factors that influence the demand for organic broccoli in Mataram are the price of the organic broccoli itself and the price of conventional broccoli, (5) factors that affect the demand for organic cucumber vegetables in Mataram City is the price of organic cucumber itself, the price of conventional cucumber, and consumer tastes, (6) the factors that influence the demand for organic eggplant in Mataram City are the price of organic eggplant itself and the price of conventional eggplant .
 Keywords: Demand for organic vegetables and the factors that influence demand


  • This study aims to: (1) Analyze the demand for organic vegetables in the city of Mataram, (2) To analyze the factors that influence the demand for organic vegetables in the city of Mataram. the type of data used in this study is qualitative data and quantitative data obtained in the form of not numbers and figures

  • The results of the analysis show that: (1) the average demand for organic broccoli in Mataram City is 1,300 kg / month, (2) the average demand for organic cucumber vegetables in Mataram City is 2,333 kg / month, (3) the average the average demand for organic eggplant in Mataram City is 1,019 kg / month, (4) the factors that influence the demand for organic broccoli in Mataram are the price of the organic broccoli itself and the price of conventional broccoli, (5) factors that affect the demand for organic cucumber vegetables in Mataram City is the price of organic cucumber itself, the price of conventional cucumber, and consumer tastes, (6) the factors that influence the demand for organic eggplant in Mataram City are the price of organic eggplant itself and the price of conventional eggplant

  • Jika variabel lain dianggap tetap maka setiap penambahan anggota keluarga sebesar 1% akan menyebabkan penurunan jumlah permintaan terhadap sayuran timun organik sebesar 0,062%

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Data Sekunder

Data sekunder adalah data yang telah dikumpulkan oleh pihak lain. Data sekunder merupakan data yang diperoleh dari dinas, perusahaan atau instansi-instansi yang ada hubungannya dengan penelitian ini, seperti Badan Pusat Statistik NTB. Analisis Data Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis statistik, yaitu: Analisis Data Deskriptif Analisis data deskriptif adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis permintaan konsumen. Pada penelitian ini konsumen yang digunakan sebagai responden yaitu konsumen yang melakukan pembelian sayuran organik di Kota Mataram. Umur Responden Umur merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh penting karena perbedaan usia konsumen menentukan produktivitas dalam mengkonsumsi sayuran organik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, umur responden yang mengonsumsi sayuran organik di Kota Mataram dapat dilihat pada tabel 2. Menurut Badan Pusat Statistik (2019), jika dilihat dari rata-rata umur konsumen adalah 33,633 tahun, kisaran umur responden adalah 22-23 tahun dan dapat dikatakan bahwa konsumen yang mengonsumsi sayuran organik di Kota Mataram berada pada golongan umur produktif, artinya secara fisik dan mental pada usia tersebut mempunyai kemampuan untuk menghasilkan suatu barang dan jasa. Perincian tingkat pendidikan terakhir responden dapat dilihat pada table 3.5

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