
Humans, in order to not get sick, in this case also including Covid-19, they don't only need drugs but also psychological contact and both of them can be obtained from communal sports. Simple activities such as sports together have an important position for improving the physical and mental health of humans. With the social distancing, commonly known as PPKM which has taken almost 2 years, it certainly has a big impact on the physical and psychological condition of humans, but on the other hand, the enforcement of the PPKM Protocol must continue to be carried out in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is what made the research team interested in examining it in a study with the main problem of how to analyze the Covid-19 Prevention Health Protocol Compliance in the Sports Community by adhering to the type of empirical juridical research, namely qualitative-type of research that adheres to the results obtained in the field wherein this case, the research team chose the sports community in the Banyumanik sub-district as the research subject which was analyzed by data triangulation in order to get relevant results.The results showed that of the 30 samples who were members of the Tennis, Taekwondo, Jogging and Bicycle Sports Community in Banyumanik District, the sample who followed the Covid-19 prevention protocol that had been recommended by the government was above 50 percent despite the recommendation to use a mask and cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing are done less, besides that the majority of sanctions given to members who violate are only verbal reprimands (70 percent). The results of this study indicate that the level of awareness of the sports community to follow the protocol is quite good even though there are no sanctions that can provide a deterrent effect. Based on this the authors take the conclusion that joint exercise is necessary for mental and physical health, therefore the government needs to be even more active to increase public awareness about the importance of the Covid-19 Prevention Protocol. Keywords: Analysis, Covid-19 Protocol, Sports Community. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/120-11 Publication date: April 30 th 2022

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