
The clinical condition of anaemia is defined as reduction below normal limits of the total circulating red cell mass. It is measured by the reduction in packed red cell volume or reduction in haemoglobin concentration of blood. Patients with hemoglobin below 6 gm/dl usually require transfusion therapy. In stabilized patients with hemoglobin values between 6 and 10 gm/dl, the decision whether to transfuse is based on an evaluation of clinical status. The present study comprised of 140 Anaemic patients who received packed red cell transfusion. The study was analyzed for a period of one year. Haematological parameters – complete blood counts were collected by running anticoagulated blood in automated haematology analyser before and after transfusing the blood units. Peripheral smear by using Leishman’s stain. Reticulocyte count by using new methylene blue.Of total 140 patients, 45(34.6%) of patients were clinically diagnosed as iron deficiency anaemia followed by 43(33.1%) anaemia of chronic disease patients, 18(13.8%) of anaemia of chronic kidney disease, 20(15%) of anaemia of liver disease, 10(7.7%) of dimorphic anaemia (anaemia of combined deficiency) and 4(3.1%) of anaemia in hypersplenism.Iron deficiency anaemia is the most common disease group in the present study followed by anaemia of chronic disease. Anaemia is more prevalent in the female population with M:F ratio of 4:5. Particularly iron deficiency anaemia is more prevalent among females with M:F ratio of 1:3. After one unit of packed red cell transfusion the mean increase in Hb in IDA was 1.106gm/dl, in anaemia of ACD was 0.922gm/dl, in anaemia of CKD was 1.015gm/dl, in anaemia of liver disease was 0.614gm/dl in anaemia of combined deficiency was 0.925gm/dl and in hypersplenism was 0.367 gm/dl. From this background the present study concludes that before planning transfusion in anaemic patients, accurate clinical assessment and work up for type of anaemia is essential. After transfusion of one unit of packed red cells in chronic anaemia patients,. In all the types of anaemia studied, the mean increase in Hb and PCV values were statistically more significant (Pvalue<0.05) than other parameters. Hence Hb and PCV can be taken as valuable parameters to monitor the post transfusion outcome.

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