
Efforts to improve the quality of public services in a sustainable manner, it is necessary to conduct research on public services, especially the implementation of the services of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr Zainal Umar Siddiki (ZUS) North Gorontalo Regency in order to improve service quality and customer satisfaction requires evaluation. This is one of the indicators to determine the performance of public services in providing quality services to the community, including health services at (RSUD) dr Zainal Umar Siddiki (ZUS) North Gorontalo Regency. Based on the results of the study showed that first,in general, the quality of public service elements of the Zainal Umar Sidiki Regional General Hospital is perceived as not good with a Community Satisfaction Index of 75.79 with service quality C. Second, the average index value of public service elements of the Zainal Umar Sidiki Regional General Hospital is 3.03. this shows that the service recipients of the Zainal Umar Sidiki Regional General Hospital perceive that they are not satisfied with the services provided. Also strengthened with an index value of 4 elements of service Satisfaction with the unfavorable category. While the other 3 elements have a good category satisfaction index but have a low value, while only element 2 elements are in a good category with an average value, namely the behavior of medical personnel and costs/tariffs incurred by patients.

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