
<p class="Style3CxSpFirst"><em>The research is intended to find (1) </em><em>the spread of tourist resort in Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso, Karanganyar (2) the potential of tourist resort owned by Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso, Karanganyar (3) community participation in tourist development Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso, Karanganyar (4) characteristics of community based tourism in Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso, Karangayar (5) the right development direction of Wonorejo tourism Village, Jatiyoso, Karanganyar (6) implementation of Geography Class XI High School learning.</em></p><p class="Style3CxSpMiddle"><em>Type of this research descriptive qualitative. The population of this research is all of tourist resort and community in Wonorejo Village. Sampling was done in two methods which were purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Data collecting techniques are field observation, indepth interview, and documentations. Data analysis is using interactive models (Miles-Huberman) and to comparison potential of tourist resort using analysis A4, to comparison community partitipation using partitipation scale of Arnstein, characteristics of community based tourism, and SWOT.</em></p><p class="Style3CxSpLast"><em>The result of the research are, (1) The distribution of tourist resort in the Wonorejo of Village in the central part of the village. (2) potential tourism objects in Wonorejo Village are found in potential classes. (3) high level of community participation is the level of delegated power and citizen control. (4) community based tourism (CBT) in Wonorejo Village runs well, seen from the high participation of community, equitable distribution of benefits, having a driving figure, good relations with the local government, and maintaining tourism by promoting cultural values (local wisdom) and environment. (5) direction for the development of tourism villages by improving the quality of human resources, tourist resort and local wisdom. (6) the implementation of Geography learning through the making of teaching materials.</em></p>


  • The research is aims to find (1) the potential of tourist resort owned by Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso, Karanganyar (2) community participation in tourist development Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso, Karanganyar (3) the right development direction of Wonorejo tourism Village, Jatiyoso, Karanganyar

  • One of them is in Wonorejo Village, Jatiyoso District, Karanganyar Regency

  • Not much different from the villages in Ngargoyoso District which are famous for its natural attractions, Wonorejo village has the potential to be a tourist destination

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Direction of development of Wonorejo Village to become a tourism

Partisipasi Masyarakat Terhadap Upaya Konservasi Lahan Di Kecamatan Kejajar Kabupaten Wonosobo Tahun 2012. Daya Tari Morotai sebagai Destinasi Wisata Sejarah dan Bahari. Potensi Tempat Wisata Pantai Trisik Kecamatan Galur Dalam Usaha Mendukung Pariwisata Kabupaten Kulon Progo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Analisis SWOT pada Komponen Pariwisata 6 A untuk Pengembangan Potensi Wisata di Desa Padaulun. (1988) Responsible and responsive tourism planning in the community. Community-based tourism: a pathway to sustainability for Japan’s protected areas. Pengorganisasian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat; Model dan Strategi Pembangunan Berbasis Kerakyatan, Cetakan Kedua. Partisipasi Masyarakat Permukiman Liar dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan Permukiman Ditinjau dari Jenis Pekerjaan di Sepanjang Rel Kereta Api Joglo Kelurahan Nusukan Kecamatan Banjarsari Kota Surakarta Tahun 2006.

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