
Noise emissions of modern lean combustors are related to different sources. Direct combustion noise is generated by heat release fluctuations, while indirect noise sources include the acceleration of entropy and vorticity inhomogeneities through the nozzle-guide-vane or at the combustor exit. The latter noise source is characterized by the coupling of fluctuations convected in non-uniform mean flow, which can e.g. cause vortical or entropic fluctuations to be partly transferred into acoustics. Due to the complexity of the sources, a clear and quantitative separation of the different phenomena in terms of primitive variables presents a significant challenge. This study therefore proposes an alternative framework for the description of combustion noise based on Doak's Momentum Potential Theory (MPT). The MPT defines a Generalized Acoustic Field (GAF) and describes the sound production in terms of mean energy fluxes carried by the respective acoustic, thermal and turbulent fluctuating momentum components. To confirm the ability to identify the different combustion noise sources, the method was applied to Large-Eddy Simulation data of a non-reacting swirl-combustor simulator. Finally, the coherent character and spectral behavior of the GAF were investigated using a Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (SPOD) analysis and correlated to the source distributions.

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