
Insurance or coverage arises because of human needs. Human needs are not limited, but the means of satisfying these needs are limited. One of these human needs is the protection of a sense of security. The need for insurance coverage stems from the desire to overcome uncertainty. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of economic status, perception and level of illness vulnerability on public interest in transferring care classes for non-PBI BPJS patients at Moh. Anwar General Hospital Sumenep Regency. The design of this study is an observational quantitative study with a cross sectional approach with the focus of the research directed at analyzing the effect of economic status, perception and level of illness vulnerability on public interest in transferring care classes for non-PBI BPJS patients at Moh. Anwar General Hospital Sumenep Regency. The total population of 134 respondents and a sample of 100 respondents were taken by the Accidental Sampling technique. The findings show that almost half of the respondents haveeconomic status middle class category as many as 42 respondents (42%).Most of the respondents have a perception of less category as many as 62 respondents (62%). Most of the respondents have a high category of disease susceptibility as many as 56 respondents (56%). Most of the respondents interested in changing BPJS classes as many as 58 respondents (58%). Based on the results of the Logistics Regression analysis showed that the p-value <0.05 then H1 was accepted so it was concluded that there was an influence of economic status, perception and level of illness vulnerability on public interest in transferring non-PBI BPJS patient care classes at Moh. Anwar General Hospital Sumenep Regency. It is expected that respondents can understand more deeply related to BPJS Health so that it can be used properly and the amount of installments does not burden the community.

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