
Lake Toba which has a function as a water resource and ecosystem buffer area is also used as a place to dispose of various types of waste generated from agricultural activities around it, domestic waste from settlements and hotels, waste from fish feed leftovers in floating net cages, tourism waste and water transportation. Quality of water in Toba lake decreased from classify water Quality Criteria Class I to Class II based on Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 water quality management and water pollution control. It is necessary to analyze the types of pollutants that are most dominantly produced by domestic waste so that the management efforts carried out can be right on target. This research was conducted in Lake Toba area, and used purposive sampling technique that is taking a number of 15 samples sourced from domestic waste. Samples were analyzed at the BTKLPP laboratory in North Sumatra province. The results are compared with Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 with Class II Water Quality Criteria. The most dominant chemical parameters were Zinc followed by Free Chlorine and Flour from three characteristics of domestic waste sources are settlements areas, hotels and tourist locations. The content of heavy metals such as Zinc in the waters decreases the quality of the environment and impacts on aquatic biota. Lake Toba as a source of clean water and drinking water cause impact on public health. Sustain domestic waste management efforts need to be done so that Lake Toba are safe for living things

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