
The study is performed in Samataring and Tongketongke sub-districts, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It aims at identifying species composition of mangrove vegetation, analyzing characteristics of mangrove ecosystem, and studying economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem. Identification on the three research sites found four types of mangrove vegetation by 86.53% Rhizophora, 7% Bruguira, 4.15% Avicennia, and 2.34% Senneratia; characteristics of mangrove ecosystem are absolute density by 1.01 m -2 or 10.010 plant m -1 , relative density covers: Rhizophora 87.76%, Bruguira 6.70%, Avicennia 3.90%, and Senneratia 2.13%. Relative density covers Rhizophora, Bruguira, Avicennia, and Senneratia. Average relative frequency is 22.23%, relative closure covers: Rhizophora 28.84%, Bruguira 29.08%, Avicennia 28.10%, while importance value index covers: Rhizophora 138.36%, Bruguira 57. 99%, Avecennia 54.21%, and Senneratia 48.90%. Economic valuation of mangrove ecosystem covers direct use value of Rp48,303,875 ha -1 year -1 , indirect use value of Rp3,338,650 ha -1 year -1 , alternative use value of Rp142,500 ha -1 year -1 , and existence use value of Rp3,917,722 ha -1 year -1 .

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