
The corpus luteum (CL) is an endocrine gland in the ovary of mature females during the oestrous cycle and pregnancy. There is evidence of a relationship between the secretory function of the CL and PPARs. In this study, we investigated the changes in the proteome of the CL in relation to the phase of the oestrous cycle and the impact of PPARγ ligands on the proteomic profile of the CL during the mid- and late-luteal phase of the oestrous cycle. The porcine CL explants were incubated in vitro for 6h in the presence of PPARγ ligands (agonist pioglitazone, antagonist T0070907) or without ligands. Global proteomic analysis was performed using the TMT-based LC-MS/MS method. The obtained results showed the disparity in proteomic profile of the untreated CL - different abundance of 23 and 28 proteins for the mid- and late-luteal phase, respectively. Moreover, seven proteins were differentially regulated in the CL tissue treated with PPARγ ligands. In the mid-luteal phase, one protein, CAND1, was downregulated after treatment with T0070907. In the late-luteal phase, the proteins SPTAN1, GOLGB1, TP53BP1, MATR3, RRBP1 and SRRT were upregulated by pioglitazone. Comparative proteomic analysis revealed that certain proteins constitute a specific proteomic signature for each examined phase. Moreover, the study showed that the effect of PPARγ ligands on the CL proteome was rather limited. The results provide a broader insight into the processes that may be responsible for the structural luteolysis of the porcine CL, in addition to apoptosis and autophagy.

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