
Land use change is an event that results in a change in appearance caused by humans, usually occurring in areas that are currently or recently developed. Wonogiri sub-district has experienced changes in its land use, from undeveloped agricultural land to built-up areas. This increase has resulted in the expansion of built-up land for housing, education, and industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of land use change and the impact of population density on land use change in Wonogiri Sub-district. This research uses a qualitative data analysis method. The qualitative data uses map analysis from the results of overlaying the 2013 and 2019 land use maps. The distribution of land use change in Wonogiri Subdistrict amounted to 364.74 Ha, which was dominated by changes to settlements. It was found that one of the causes of land change is population density. The denser the population in a kelurahan, the more land use change there is, namely land change into settlements. This research produced three maps: 2013 land use map, 2019 land use map, and 2013 and 2019 land use change map.

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