
In Germany, cesarean section (CS) rates more than doubled within the past two decades. For analysis, auditing and inter-hospital comparison, the 10-Group Classification System (TGCS) is recommended. We used the TGCS to analyze CS rates in two German hospitals of different levels of care. From October 2017 to September 2018, data were prospectively collected. Unit A is a level three university hospital, unit B a level one district hospital. The German birth registry was used for comparison with national data. We performed two-sample Z tests and bootstrapping to compare aggregated (unit A+B) with national data and unit A with unit B. In both datasets (national data and aggregated data unit A+B), Robson group (RG) 5 was the largest contributor to the overall CS rate. Compared to national data, group sizes in RG 1 and 3 were significantly smaller in the units under investigation, RG 8 and 10 significantly larger. Total CS rates between the two units differed (40.7 vs. 28.4%, p<0.001). The CS rate in RG 5 and RG 10 was different (p<0.01 for both). The most relative frequent RG in both units consisted of group 5, followed by group 10 and 2a. The analysis allowed us to explain different CS rates with differences in the study population and with differences in the clinical practice. These results serve as a starting point for audits, inter-hospital comparisons and for interventions aiming to reduce CS rates.

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