
Multivariate curve resolution alternating least square (MCR-ALS) analysis allows the simultaneous retrieval of pure concentration and spectral profiles for each of the analysed chemical components from the composite spectrum even in the presence of unknown interferences. Total synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy (TSFS), a multidimensional fluorescence technique that describes the variation of synchronous fluorescence profile acquired as a function of increasing offset, has become a useful analytical technique. Suitably arranged TSFS data set can be easily processed using MCR-ALS and thereby a simple and sensitive analytical tool could be developed. The present work successfully used the combination of the MCR-ALS and TSFS to analyse the three carcinogenic and mutagenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) namely Benzo[a]Pyrene, Chrysene and Pyrene in the presence of complex fluorescence background originated from petroleum product. MCR-ALS assisted TSFS can be used for the routine analyses of these carcinogenic PAHs to ensure the quality of water and other samples belonging to different part of the ecosystem.

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