
University of Hasanuddin is one of the largest campuses in Sulawesi which has 15 faculties. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences is one of the faculties that has complex activities in lecture activities and campus operations. All activities that take place produce a carbon footprint that can affect Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Therefore, this study aims to identify activities that generate a carbon footprint and analyze the burden of carbon footprint emissions and see the trend of the relationship between the number of activities and carbon footprint emissions. For data collection techniques by direct observation, interviews and questionnaires which will later be analyzed using the Tier 1 method based on the IPCC 2006. From the analysis results show that the total carbon footprint emission produced at this faculty is 213,778.33 KgCO2-e/year. The activity that produces the most carbon footprint emissions is electricity consumption, which is 206,085.79 KgCO2-e/year with a total consumption of 756,937.99 kWh/year. While the activity that produces the least carbon footprint emissions is the use of paper as much as 921.69 KgCO2-e/year with a total usage of 1,254 kg/year. For the trend of the relationship between the number of activities and carbon footprint emissions, the trend obtained is that the more activities that take place, the higher the carbon footprint produced will also be. However, there is a different phenomenon, namely the value of LPG consumption is less than the value of paper usage as much as 165 kg/year and 1.254 per year. However, the largest carbon footprint emission value is the use of LPG. This happens because the emission factor owned by the LPG source is greater than the paper source. It is hoped that this research can contribute to policy making at the University level. your abstract here…

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