
Aim. To assess peculiarities of lifestyle of adolescents with health limitations having diffe-rent levels of anxiety.
 Materials and Methods. In the research 89 adolescents with health limitations were involved studying at an educational institution of secondary professional education. The leading causes of disability (the main disease) were mental and behavioral disorders. Anxiety levels of the adolescents (State Trait Anxiety Inventory), the extent of nicotine addiction (Fagerstrom test) were studied, social factors, duration of night sleep were assessed, organization of leisure was analyzed.
 Results. Low state anxiety (SA, 30 points) was found in 76.2% of the examined adolescents, moderate SA (33-34 points) in 23.8%, 51.4% had a high level of trait anxiety (TA). A moderate negative correlation relationship was established between SA and TA of students (r=0.72, p=0.02). Assessment of the lifestyle of adolescents found the existence of the family disadvantages (each sixth student grew in a social institution); reduction in the night sleep duration (7 hours) in 30.8% of students; low physical activity (only 18.9% of students attended additional physical culture and sports classes). Nicotine addiction was found in more than 90% of students, 61.2% of students used strong drinks at least once in life. A correlation was established between living in a hostel (r=0.56, p=0.031), duration of night sleep (r=0.61, p=0.028), organization of passive rest (r=0.52, p=0.04) and the level of SA.
 Conclusion. The conducted research identified the following risk factors for justification of programs for prevention of development of desadaptation: factor of family disadvantages, bad habits, reduced duration of night sleep, low physical activity.


  • In the research 89 adolescents with health limitations were involved studying at an educational institution of secondary professional education

  • Low state anxiety (SA,

  • A moderate negative correlation relationship was established between SA and TA of students (r=–0.72, p=0.02)

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АНАЛИЗ ПОВЕДЕНЧЕСКИХ РИСКОВ У ПОДРОСТКОВ С ОГРАНИЧЕННЫМИ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЯМИ ЗДОРОВЬЯ, ИМЕЮЩИХ РАЗЛИЧНЫЕ УРОВНИ ТРЕВОЖНОСТИ. Оценить особенности образа жизни подростков с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, имеющих различные уровни тревожности. Изучали уровни тревожности учащихся (тест Спилбергера-Ханина), степень никотиновой зависимости (тест Фагерстрема), оценивали социальные факторы, продолжительность ночного сна, анализировали организацию досуга. Среди обследуемых низкая ситуативная тревожность (СТ,

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