
Introduction. At present, the task of expanding the market for selling Ukrainian products to Ukrainian enterprises is very urgent, as well as establishing foreign relations not only for better profit of the enterprise, but also for attracting additional investments, which will contribute to the rapid development of production. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the prerequisites and features of the entry into the international markets of opportunities and threats for domestic producers and to determine on the basis of the conducted research the prospects associated with entering the international markets. Results. The paper examines the current state of foreign trade relations, stages of entering the foreign market, identifies opportunities and threats that may face domestic industrial enterprises. Before engaging in foreign economic activity, it is necessary to study the prerequisites for entering the international market and determine whether the company owns them. The complexity and frequent change of state methods of regulation of foreign economic activity have a negative impact on the export activity of enterprises. Insufficient knowledge of the legal framework of foreign countries governing the import of goods complicate export activities. Exports are hampered by the poor quality of the product due to technology backwardness and low staff skills. The development of export activity of enterprises can be constrained by high taxes on foreign economic activity, the mandatory sale of the state part of foreign exchange earnings, insufficient assistance from the state to expand export activity through various levers of economic regulation and support. export activity from the standpoint of its sufficiency in quantitative and qualitative aspects. An important prerequisite for export activity is the availability of the necessary financial resources for the company. Conclusion. The analysis of the prerequisites for the entry of Ukrainian enterprises into the international market made it possible to distinguish the most important of them: the export of the corresponding product of the enterprise potentially provides higher profitability in comparison with its realization in the domestic market; the company needs the currency to buy the necessary equipment abroad, equipment that is either missing from the domestic market or of poor quality; by means of export the enterprise tries to use the available production capacities or to expand the field of its activity at the expense of those industries whose products are in demand abroad; The company manufactures high quality products that meet the world standards due to the high qualification of personnel and the introduction of advanced technology, and at the same time has overall marketing advantages.

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