
BACKGROUND: The main factor that determines the priority direction in the development of a medical organization and the health system as a whole is the optimization of personnel. This study analyzed the provision of medical organizations of the Krasnodar Territory with individual medical dental personnel. This study is quite relevant because the present socio-economic formation is based on the personal qualities and experience of highly qualified personnel of the organization, which is the basis for the competitive advantage of medical organizations in the market of goods and services.
 AIMS: To analyze the main indicators of staffing by orthodontists, dentists, and pediatric dentists of medical organizations in the Krasnodar Territory for 20192021.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study participants were selected medical dental personnel with Krasnodar Krai specialties, namely, orthodontics, dentistry, and pediatric dentistry for 20192021. The association between the need for the effective use of healthcare personnel resources and the potential needs of the population in dental medical care was determined. The study analyzed the statistical data of reporting forms of medical organizations of Krasnodar Krai Information about medical organization (p. N 30) during the study period. The statistical analysis of data was conducted using Microsoft Office software package. Analytical, logical, and statistical methods of research were used.
 RESULTS: The analysis of the availability of separate medical dental personnel of medical organizations of Krasnodar Territory for 20192021 revealed an increase in the number of regular and occupied positions of orthodontic doctors and dentists and a decrease in the number of staff and employed pediatric dentists. The number of orthodontists and dentists in pediatrics decreased slightly, whereas the number of dentists increased. The number of certified and accredited doctors in all specialties has increased.
 CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed the main indicators of staffing by orthodontic doctors, dentists, doctors, and pediatric dentists of medical organizations of the Krasnodar Krai health system for 20192021.

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