
Teaching materials are one of the important components in learning that can help the teacher's task and the smooth learning of students. Currently, high school still lacks art and culture teaching materials, this is because the teaching materials prepared by the ministry of education are general in nature and not detailed. Teaching materials with materials according to local wisdom are also not available so that teachers have difficulty in teaching, as well as students have difficulty understanding the subject matter. Seeing these conditions, it is necessary to develop interesting teaching materials that can help students learn independently. The purpose of this research is to find out the art and culture teaching materials that need to be developed in the sub-material 'Understanding the Symbolic Forms and Philosophical Meanings of Pamiluto Traditional Batik Ornaments'. The research subjects were students of class X MIPA and IPS program at SMA N 1 Kalibawang class of 2021. The sample consisted of all students of class X. The data were obtained from the daily test scores of 'Pamiluto Traditional Batik', learning observations, and student questionnaires. The results of the daily test showed that the student's score was far below the value expected by the teacher, the observations found that there were no teaching materials that discussed Pamiluto Traditional batik in detail, the results of the questionnaire analysis of the needs for developing teaching materials showed that students needed systemic, interesting, and easy-to-understand teaching materials, equipped with pictures that support learning materials to make it easier to understand the symbolic form and meaning of the philosophy of Pamiluto Traditional Batik Ornaments. The results of the study indicate the need to develop teaching materials in the form of modules.

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