
AbstractThe content of arsenic and selenium has been analysed in the following marine organisms: cod (Gadus morhua), herring (Clupea harengus), mackerel (Scomber scomber), Norway haddock (Sebastes marinus), lobster (Homarus vulgaris), mussel (Mytilus edulis), clam (Pecten maximus), oyster (Ostrea edulis), squid (Ommastrephes sagittatus) and whale (Balaenoptera physalus). The analyses were performed both on the raw material and in the water‐soluble phase after the samples had been boiled (the N liquor). An enrichment of arsenic is observed in the N liquor, compared with the raw material. The results indicate that selenium is also enriched in the N liquor from fish, but not from the invertebrate animals analysed.The N liquor and the water‐soluble phase of the enzyme‐hydrolysed presscake (the water‐insoluble phase after boiling) were fractionated by molecular gel nitration. Fractions from these elutions were analysed for arsenic and selenium. Selenium was present in the fractions with a molecular weight above about 5000. Arsenic was connected with the lower molecular weight fractions, and may be present as more arseno‐organic compounds.

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