
Crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) of a commercial house-dust extract revealed 43 immunoprecipitates. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis with 106 different allergen extracts from animal hair and dander, feathers, fungi, pollen, foodstuffs, textiles and house-dust mites showed the presence of precipitating antibodies in the rabbit anti-house-dust serum against antigens from 34 of the extracts. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis with the addition of antigen, and crossed line immunoelectrophoresis (CLIE) with these 34 allergen extracts, as well as crossed immunoelectrophoresis with intermediate gel containing rabbit antibodies against nine human serum proteins, allowed the identification of 14 antigens in the house-dust extract. These antigens were shown to originate from house-dust mites, hair and dander from various animals, fungi, feathers, human hair and dander, and human serum proteins.

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