
The building sector is among the most energy consumer with 42 %, it absorbs 44% of the total final energy consumption, the major part of housing, which currently exceeds eight (8) million homes, are "obsolete" in terms of energy efficiency, As a result, energy demand for residential buildings are of a very high level, Unfortunately Algeria faces to major energy challenges, his dependence of fossil resources oil and gas price drop, and the increases of the consumption. The needs of the building sector will be multiplied by 2.7 while the tertiary sector will increase its power consumption by 3.2 ,an increase of 40% relative to current consumption, The policy of energy efficiency in Algeria was concretized by adoption of the new renewable energy program and energy efficiency by 2030, program Eco-bat, the aim is reducing the high consumption in this sector, a new version of thermal regulation for buildings 2016 to introduce a minimum requirement for new buildings, to optimize their heating and cooling needs while improving the high quality of comfort, launching a labelling certificate for equipment’s, the building sector represents an energy saving potential of 38%,there are a lot of options to improve efficiency in building , focus to use of renewable energy in heating, cooling and electricity, improvement to the building envelope ,including materials ,natural ventilations and delighting, As a result, this indicates the urgent need to adopt a policy and strategy to reduce the excessive use of energy in buildings. In the light of the current global challenge of energy which calls for the development of sustainable economies, this paper analyses the approach efficiency policy in the Algerian building, and suggest improvement to reduce the gap between the policy of government and the real situation.

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