
Objective. To analyze the presence of concomitant pathology in patients of different age categories who underwent hip arthroplasty by different methods.
 Materials and methods. The study retrospectively analyzed 555 case histories of patients (282 men and 273 women) for the presence of concomitant pathology in different age groups (from 20 to 95 years). The age category was determined according to the 2015 World Health Organization age classification. Statistical processing was performed according to StatPlus programs, the differences were considered significant at p<0,05.
 Results and discussion. By age, patients were distributed as follows: juvenile (up to 25 years) – 2 patients (percentage of the total was 0,36 %); young (from 25 to 44 years) – 36 patients (6,49 %); middle-aged (from 45 to 59 years) – 132 patients (23,78 %); elderly (from 60 to 74 years) – 236 patients (42,52 %); senile (from 75 to 90 years) – 145 patients (26,13 %) and long-lived (over 90 years) – 4 patients (0,72 %). The average age of patients was 65.18±0.55 (M±m). Concomitant pathology was diagnosed in 484 patients (87,22 %). Depending on the existing concomitant pathology, patients were distributed as follows: no concomitant pathology – 71 patients (percentage of the total was 12,79 %); with hypertension – 38 patients (6.85 %); with diabetes – 11 patients (1.98 %); with coronary heart disease (CHD) – 104 patients (18,74 %); CHD + hypertension – 316 patients (56,94 %); with myocardial infarction – 3 patients (0,54 %); with a stroke – 2 patients (0,36 %); patients with encephalopathy of various genesis – 2 patients (0,36 %); with respiratory pathology – 3 patients (0,54 %); patients with systemic connective tissue diseases – 5 patients (0,90 %). Studies to date have shown a significant increase in comorbidities associated with the age of patients. One of the important predictors and unmodified risk factors for postoperative complications is the age of patients. The influence of age on the result of hip arthroplasty can be explained by a number of factors: the formation of endothelial dysfunction with impaired blood flow, changes in the blood coagulation system and more.
 Conclusions. With the development of medical practice, the average life expectancy of the population increases, the methods of arthroplasty and the anesthesiological support of operations are improved, the duration of surgical interventions is reduced. These factors contribute to the steady increase in the number of total joint arthroplasty, in the average age of patients undergoing arthroplasty and, accordingly, in the total comorbid load. That is why stratification of the degree of operative risk continues to be one of the most pressing problems in orthopedic patients.


  • Concomitant pathology was diagnosed in 484 patients (87,22 %)

  • Studies to date have shown a significant increase in comorbidities associated with the age of patients

  • One of the important predictors and unmodified risk factors for postoperative complications is the age of patients

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Аналіз віку та супутньої патології в пацієнтів при ендопротезуванні кульшового суглоба Свіргун М.В., Семененко А.І. Залежно від наявної супутньої патології пацієнти розподілилися так: відсутня супутня патологія – 71 пацієнт (частка від загальної кількості становила 12,79 %); із гіпертонічною хворобою (ГХ) – 38 пацієнтів (6,85 %); із цукровим діабетом – 11 хворих (1,98 %); з ішемічною хворобою серця (ІХС) – 104 пацієнти (18,74 %); ІХС + ГХ – 316 пацієнтів (56,94 %); із перенесеним інфарктом міокарда – 3 пацієнти (0,54 %); з перенесеним мозковим інсультом – 2 пацієнти (0,36 %); хворі з енцефалопатією різного генезу – 2 пацієнти (0,36 %); з респіраторною патологією – 3 пацієнти (0,54 %); пацієнти із системними захворюваннями сполучної тканини – 5 пацієнтів (0,90 %).

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