
e13645 Background: The BCCE is an NAPBC internationally accredited unit operating around a surgical oncology breast specialist surgeon, three reconstructive surgeons; four radiological units four pathology labs; 8 medical oncologists and 3 radiation oncologists. Whilst the centre was affected by the SARS Covid-19 pandemic, a rapid restructuring of the MDM procedure allowed for a return to -pre-pandemic service delivery and optimum time-to-treatment of 21days. Methods: Over the 2021 period the BCCE saw 778 newly diagnosed cancer patients, these are all reviewed at a 25 member MDM with 308 patients having full radiological review during the meetings and 609 full pathological reviews prior to treatment discussion amongst the members. These MDM discussions occurred within 6 days of clinical examination due to the integration of multiple specialists and facilities resulting in rapid appointments. Further pathological analysis of 203 patients occurred beyond initial presentation as well as over 350 OncotypeDx reviews. Five hundred and seventy-one individual patient treatment feedback discussions occurred directly postoperatively and 459 treatment plans were reviewed prior to secondary treatment pathways. Results: Digital MDM’s resulted in a full return to the centre’s optimum level of care, a 7 day MDM review with a 21-day treatment pathway plan proposal, whilst still under the effect of pandemic lockdown regulations. A 6-month comparison (during lockdown regulations) showed a 15% increase in patients seen whilst supported with virtual consultation platforms and digitally supported MDM decisions. Conclusions: Whilst the SARS Covid-19 pandemic affected service delivery. Medical IT transference to full digital MDM allowed for improved review and treatment planning. This improved service delivery to patients with physician and navigator knowledge transfer, resulting in growth of the unit.

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