
In the actual traffic environment, the driver’s aggressive driving behaviors are closely related to the traffic conditions at the next-nearest grid point at next time step. The driver adjusts the acceleration of the driving vehicle by predicting the density of the front grid points. Considering the driver’s aggressive effect and the relative flow difference integral, a novel two-lane lattice hydrodynamic model is presented in this paper. The linear stability method is used to analyze the current stability of the new model, and the neutral stability curve is obtained. The nonlinear analysis of the new model is carried out by using the theory of perturbations, and the mKdV equation describing the density of the blocked area is derived. The theoretical analysis results are verified by numerical simulation. From the analysis results, it can be seen that the driver’s aggressive effect and the relative flow difference integral can improve the stability of traffic flow comprehensively.


  • Using lane changing rules, Nagatani [53] constructed a new extended two-lane traffic model with vmax 1

  • Two-lane traffic flow models [54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66] have been developed gradually due to the restrictions of single lane being unable to change lanes and overtaking

  • With the rapid development of the modern urban process, the situation of single lane in the real road environment is gradually reduced, which makes the study of single lane traffic model cannot meet the needs of the actual road traffic. is contradiction has gradually attracted the attention of traffic flow researchers, and the two-lane traffic model came into being

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The Novel Two-Lane Lattice Hydrodynamic Model

With the rapid development of the modern urban process, the situation of single lane in the real road environment is gradually reduced, which makes the study of single lane traffic model cannot meet the needs of the actual road traffic. is contradiction has gradually attracted the attention of traffic flow researchers, and the two-lane traffic model came into being. Ρ2,jv2,j − ρ2,j−1v2,j−1 represents the relative flux difference between the lattices j and j − 1 of the second lane. J – 1 j j + 1 e schematic model of traffic flow on a two-lane where ρ0 is the initial density, ρj ((ρ1,j + ρ2,j)/2) and ρjvj ((ρ1,jv1,j + ρ2,jv1,j)/2). A large number of studies have shown that driver’s habits and personality will affect traffic flow in varying degrees. At this stage, no scholars have taken the driver’s aggressive effect into account in two-lane traffic. A new extended two-lane model of traffic flow is constructed, and its continuity equation and the motion equation are listed as follows: zt􏼐ρjvj􏼑 aρ0􏽨(1 − P)V􏼐ρj+1(t)􏼑 + PV􏼐ρj+2 t + t0􏼁􏼑􏽩. − V􏼐ρj+1 t + t0􏼁􏼑􏼑􏽩 + z2t ρj(t) − c􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼌ρ20V′ ρ0􏼁􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼐ztρj−1 − 2ztρj + ztρj+1􏼑 + a ztρj − ac􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼌ρ20V′ ρ0􏼁􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼌􏼐ρj−1(s) − 2ρj(s) + ρj+1(s)􏼑

Linear Stability Analysis
The mKdV Equation
Numerical Simulation
40 Lattice
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