
In the present work, a hybrid solar/thermoelectric generator (TEG)/absorption cooling system (ACS) is studied. The heat supply to the ACS is produced by an evacuated tube solar collector (ETC). The TEG will use the waste heat from hot parts to produce the electrical demand of the ACS (the pumping and control systems). In this way, the system becomes completely self-sufficient. Different locations of the TEG modules in the system were considered and the effect of various system parameters on the system performance was studied. The results showed that the best location for the TEG modules was between the hot water storage tank and the ambient air. For a temperature at the generator, evaporator, and condenser (= T a b s o r b e r ) equal to 85 °C, 5 °C, and 30 °C respectively, it was found that 184 TEG modules were sufficient to provide the required electrical power with a COP and exergetic efficiency equal to 0.8 and 14.9%, respectively. In addition, it was also shown that the COP of the ACS system with TEG modules is always slightly higher than that without them by about 1.5%. • A thermoelectric generator (TEG) is incorporated into a solar absorption cooling system (ACS). • Two types of TEG, TEG2-126LDT and TGM-199-1.4-0.8, are compared for different positions in the ACS. • Energy and exergy analysis is performed for different operating conditions. • The TGM-199-1.4-0.8 is better for the proposed cycle. • The configuration where the TEG is placed between the hot water storage tank and ambient air temperatures gives the best performance.

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