
Eight X-chromosome STR were investigated in two groups of individuals from two Italian regions, Umbria and Sardinia. These two regions have a very different history. Umbria, situated in the centre of Italy and without defensive natural barriers, in the course of the centuries has been object of many invasions and appropriations by foreign people. On the contrary, Sardinia, an island in the centre of the Mediterranean sea, has endured a minor number of foreign invasions. The ChrX markers were amplified in a pentaplex (DXS6789, DXS7423, DXS6807, DXS101, DXS8377) and a triplex (DXS10074, DXS10075, DXS10079) that represents a haplotype. The DNA was extracted from 200 blood samples using the QIAmp DNA Minikit (Qiagen™). Amplification products were detected on an ABI PRISM 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems), using the same dye labels, run conditions, standard (GeneScan 500 Liz) and matrix file of AmpFlSTRIdentifiler. Statistical analyses for all the loci and intergroup comparisons between the two regional groups of individuals were performed.

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