
Extrinsic gettering of Cu on near-surface dislocations in Si has been the topic of recent investigation. It was shown that the Cu precipitated hetergeneously on dislocations as Cu silicide along with voids, and also with a secondary planar precipitate of unknown composition. Here we report the results of investigations of the sense of the strain fields about the large (~100 nm) silicide precipitates, and further analysis of the small (~10-20 nm) planar precipitates.Numerous dark field images were analyzed in accordance with Ashby and Brown's criteria for determining the sense of the strain fields about precipitates. While the situation is complicated by the presence of dislocations and secondary precipitates, micrographs like those shown in Fig. 1(a) and 1(b) tend to show anomalously wide strain fields with the dark side on the side of negative g, indicating the strain fields about the silicide precipitates are vacancy in nature. This is in conflict with information reported on the η'' phase (the Cu silicide phase presumed to precipitate within the bulk) whose interstitial strain field is considered responsible for the interstitial Si atoms which cause the bounding dislocation to expand during star colony growth.

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