
Background: Results of preliminary studies conducted at the Health Community Centers in the city ofSurabaya regarding duties and responsibilities as a midwife, showed that midwives had overlapping dutiesand responsibilities because midwives did not only handle maternal and child problems as their main dutiesand functions, but midwives also carried out all activities. This is due to the limited personnel owned by theCommunity Health Centers so that it can affect the workload of midwives because in addition to exercisingtheir authority the midwife also carries out other tasks. Based on the above problems and remembering theduties and functions of midwives as maternal and child health providers, it is important to conduct researchon midwife workload analysis in carrying out their authority in the working area of Surabaya InpatientHealth Centers.Method: This study has a cross-sectional quantitative research design. In this study using 2 variables(exogenous), namely Midwife Work Performance and Midwife Performance or Productivity. In this study,the endogenous variables are the quality of midwife services in the Surabaya Inpatient Health Center. Thepopulation used in this study were all implementing midwives, who provided services in 10 inpatient healthcenters in Surabaya.Results and Analysis: Pearson correlation test results indicate there is a significant relationship betweenworkload and performance (p = 0.000) and there is a significant relationship between workload and servicequality (p = 0.000).Discussion and Conclusion: In order to avoid work fatigue, it is necessary to rearrange work shifts inaccordance with the rules and conditions of work shift provisions in maternity inpatient units, thedetermination of clear rest hours, when service hours can be accompanied by work music and additionallabor reduce workload, as well as the division of workload according to ability and routinely carry outrefreshing to reduce saturation.

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