
When optimizing the use of acupuncture methods in the complex treatment of patients with MS, important individual approach to treatment is based on a differentiated compilation of recipes acupuncture, built according to the diagnostic data obtained on the basis of current scientific knowledge and understanding of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
 The objective: to determine the features of these acupuncture diagnostic methods (ADM) in MS patients based on comorbidity and clarify their relationship with the clinical neurological symptoms of MS patients examined.
 Patients and methods. ADM was conducted in 216 patients with MS who were divided into 2 groups: without concomitant diseases (n=109) and the presence of concomitant diseases (n=107).
 Results. When conducting syndromic ADM according to TCM, in all patients (100%) of us was diagnosed three dominant syndrome of TCM, which we have identified as the main: «spleen qi deficiency», «deficiency of liver and kidney yin», «liver qi stagnation».
 Conclusions. As a result of multi-component ADM MS patients were identified pre-emptive involvement in the pathological process of functional systems TCM «Spleen-pancreas», «Kidney», «Liver».

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