
Using the fundamental solutions for three-dimensional transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials, the extended displacements at any point for an internal crack parallel to the interface in a magnetoelectroelastic bimaterial are expressed in terms of the extended displacement discontinuities across the crack surfaces. The hyper-singular boundary integral–differential equations of the extended displacement discontinuities are obtained for planar interface cracks of arbitrary shape under impermeable and permeable boundary conditions in three-dimensional transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials. An analysis method is proposed based on the analogy between the obtained boundary integral–differential equations and those for interface cracks in purely elastic media. The singular indexes and the singular behaviors of near crack-tip fields are studied. Three new extended stress intensity factors at crack tip related to the extended stresses are defined for interface cracks in three-dimensional transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials. A penny-shaped interface crack in magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials is studied by using the proposed method. The results show that the extended stresses near the border of an impermeable interface crack possess the well-known oscillating singularity r −1/2±i ε or the non-oscillating singularity r −1/2± κ . Three-dimensional transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelastic bimaterials are categorized into two groups, i.e., ε-group with non-zero value of ε and κ-group with non-zero value of κ. The two indexes ε and κ do not coexist for one bimaterial. However, the extended stresses near the border of a permeable interface crack have only oscillating singularity and depend only on the mechanical loadings.

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