
How often, when reading students' essays in the Area Studies components of CNAA and University degree courses, have we commented all too readily that the essay lacks analysis, far too descriptive, relates the plot or does not answer the question set? It is a frequent criticism and one which belies not simply the students' inadequacy in essay writing techniques, but also the lack of discussion in essay classes, and probably in staff methodology seminars, on what is meant by analysis in essay writing. In the years whic have elapsed since CNAA submissions have been attempting to take a fresh look at higher education programmes, particularly where Modern Language Studies have been combined with Area Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, the need to convince our academic colleagues, and ourselves too for that matter, that our students do achieve an acceptable level of cerebration or critical awareness remains as important a priority as ever. And yet do our students really know what we mean by analysis? in what ways it differs from the descriptive? what kinds of analysis there are? and how one sets about achieving this magical quality? My own thinking and discussions on the problem suggest that in the majority of cases they do not, and that we assume, as in other areas of teaching, that after a minimum of reading, and thus exposure to the thought processes of others, the gift of analysis is suddenly and miraculously bestowed upon them.

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