
The present study provides a detailed analysis of the calculations of 50 isotopic compositions for the Post Irradiation Examination sample GU1 from the ARIANE program. Two types of approach are performed: a lattice (2 dimensional) and a full core (3 dimensional) calculations. In the case of lattice calculations, the effect oflocation is also studied. Different code versions (for CASMO5 and SNF) are used in order to contribute to the validation work for specific calculation schemes and to assess the impact of nuclear data libraries as well. The effects of nuclear data are also quantified for cross sections, spectra and fission yields, together with their partial contributions. It is concluded that the consideration of the effect of the mass balance, nuclear data uncertainties, as well as uncertainties from operational conditions and manufacturing tolerances help in obtaining consistency between calculated and measured isotopic concentrations.This study is then complemented with decay heat calculations for the assembly of interest, consistent with the PIE study. It indicates that, without considering geometrical deformation due to the long storage time, nuclear data are still the main source of uncertainties. Expanded uncertainties (including biases, experimental and calculation uncertainties) are finally proposed for both isotopic compositions and decay heat.

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