
Over the next five years, shipping industry is predicted to grow at a 3.4% annual rate. However, marine accidents are on the rise, threatening both safety and expenses. Marine accidents happen for a variety of causes, including ergonomic issues, ergonomics is the study of how individuals interact with other components of a system, and it employs theory, concepts, data, and approaches to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. This paper aimed to assess physical ergonomic elements and reviewed the previous studies related to ergonomic factors, particularly those related to the marine industry; furthermore, a variety of physical ergonomic factors were selected to be evaluated in a tanker ship as case study. Using statistical analysis to assess physical ergonomic elements in other merchant ships and to compare the results to case study result for finding out the level of similarity, it was discovered that the majority of physical ergonomic factors were unsatisfactory, including severe consequences as a result of poor workplace design such as inadequate lighting, extreme temperature and noise.

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