
Critical thinking is believed to have significant contributions to learners’ academic context in the era progression of technology and information. Critical thinking skills are needed to solve problems, especially in solving algebraic problems. This critical thinking process is influenced by several factors including cognitive style and gender. The purpose of this study was to understand the process of critical thinking from the perspective of cognitive style and gender on solving algebraic problems students in the mathematics department at Walisongo State Islamic University. The kind of research qualitative descriptive, a test MFFT used to analyze cognitive style students into groups impulsive or reflective cognitive style. Tests to analyze skills critical thinking based on Ennis consisting of Focus, Reason, Inference, Situation, Clarity, and Overview. The research indicated that style cognitive and gender significantly affected the way and the ability to think critically students. This study provides information that on the subjects of reflective cognitive style, male are better than female in terms of critical thinking skills and there are differences in the process. Male subjects on reflective cognitive style are better than female subjects, but for the cognitive style exclusive female subjects are better than men.

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