
The majority of existing information systems deals with crisp data through crisp database systems. Retrieval of specific queries through fuzzy logic systems have been a rare approach in research. Use of fuzzy logic rule based systems on data bases has shown efficient results experimentally. As such no early work has been done on combination of rule based systems with the database queries to give an efficient output. This paper brings such concise theme of evaluating a student‟s performance through such rule based systems. The aim of this paper is to present various fuzzification logic combined with rule based systems. Further experimentally this paper proves that for specific applications on databases using rule based systems can give much better results rather than using simple crisp queries with simple database management. This paper also gives a brief overview of various fuzzy logics, concepts fuzzification and defuzzification. This novel property of rule based system on any database system to evaluate for the performances is the main theme of this paper.

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