
Circuit simulation has proven to be one of the most important computer aided design (CAD) methods for verification and analysis of, integrated circuit designs. A popular approach to modeling circuits for simulation purposes is to use a hardware description language such as VHDL. VHDL has had a tremendous impact in fostering and accelerating CAD systems development in the digital arena. Similar efforts have also been carried out in the analog domain which has resulted in tools such as SPICE. However, with the growing trend of hardware designs that contain both analog and digital components, comprehensive design environments that seamlessly integrate analog and digital circuitry are needed. Simulation of digital or analog circuits is, however, exacerbated by high-resource (CPU and memory) demands that increase when analog and digital models are integrated in a mixed-mode (analog and digital) simulation. A cost-effective solution to this problem is the application of parallel discrete-event simulation (PDES) algorithms on a distributed memory platform such as a cluster of workstations. In this paper, we detail our efforts in architecting an analysis and simulation environment for mixed-technology VLSI systems. In addition, we describe the design issues faced in the application of PDES algorithms to mixed-technology VLSI system simulation.

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