
The gait cycle of 25-degree of freedom (DOF) humanoid robot, namely NAO robot, consists of single support phase (SSP) and double support phase (DSP). Both dynamic and stability analyses are carried out for this robot to determine its power consumption and dynamic stability margin, respectively. Constrained single-objective optimization problems are formulated for the SSP and DSP separately and solved using particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithms (GA). A performance index, other than the fitness function, consisting of constraint values and maximum swing height, is also considered to compare PSO and GA-obtained optimal solutions. PSO is able to find the trajectories that offer higher swing height for nearly similar power consumption during SSP. A performance assessment of each algorithm based on the best fitness values in each generation across several runs is also carried out. These values are compared using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, and PSO is found to be statistically better than GA. The optimal solutions from the simulations are tested using the Webots simulator to validate their efficacy on stability. Moreover, an investigation of the influence of gait parameters on power consumption during SSP and DSP reveals that the humanoid robot with a higher hip height, lower swing height, and slow pace consumes less power. The methodology developed in this is generic and can be easily extended to other robots.

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