
In connection with the development of high-tech medical care, the importance of continuous professional development of middle and junior medical workers is increasing. Each practicing nurse can make changes in her work, devoting more time to teaching and counseling patients and their families, paying more attention to their professional growth and acquiring up-to-date knowledge. Purpose of the study. Analyze and evaluate the activities of the educational and methodological office of the SBHI «Gorodishchensk Central District Hospital». Results. According to the domestic literature, the system of continuous professional development of specialists with secondary medical education was studied; social and hygienic characteristics were given to nursing specialists of the central district hospital; the satisfaction of nursing staff with training in the teaching and methodological room was assessed; analyzed the results of self-assessment by the nursing staff of the level of assimilation of information acquired as a result of training in the teaching and methodological room; the methods of motivation used by the management of a medical organization to attract nursing staff to development and self-education are determined. Conclusion. The conducted research work on the analysis and evaluation of the activities of the teaching and methodical office in the conditions of a medical organization confirms the need to create appropriate structures and their effectiveness in the implementation of the educational process, which allows nursing professionals to be highly qualified and competitive throughout their professional activities.

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