
AbstractInterferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is a very effective technique for measuring surface deformation, but the temporal and geometrical decorrelation and atmospheric disturbances can compromise strongly the accuracy of the results. Persistent scatterer InSAR (PS-InSAR) overcomes the decorrelation and atmospheric disturbances problem. The results obtained by PS-InSAR technique are not the field deformation information but persistent scatterers deformation. In this paper, PS-InSAR and geographic information system (GIS) are used to investigate surface deformation caused by groundwater overexploitation in Nantong, China. For improving the accuracy of extracting the atmospheric effects in the PS-InSAR technique, an automatic determining method of the best filter method and filter window size is proposed when extracting the atmospheric effects from the residual phase by filtering. The proposed method is based on structure function of residual phases. The linear deformation rate of permanent ...

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