
BeatME Intergrated System is system integration between Real Time Server (RTS) and BeatME Online. This system supports enjoying music activity and also distributing musical creation. Design BeatME Integrated System based on six primary needs of music. They need to listen music, sing songs, play instruments, compose music, music game and distribute musical creation. The functional system is designed based on that primary needs. Requirement of listening music is divided into four function, i.e. display and search songs, songs that recommended by system for users, playlist on web sites and mobile devices. Function media player for the lyrics is made to provide requirement of singing. Requirement of playing music instrument are divided into four function i.e Real Time Server, Client Real Time Server and chat room. Function website game is made to provide requirement of music game. Requirement of composing music are divided into three function i.e compose by humming, compose by keyboard and partiture reader. Function upload and download musical creation is made to provide requirement of distribution musical creation. Implementation of functional listening music is search engine system, recommended system, website and mobile playlist. Implementation of functional singing is play lyric system. Implementation of functional collaboration playing music instrument is chat room system and Real Time Server recording system. Implementation functional music game is game that called BePay game. Implementation functional of compose music is humming system that called BeCome Human application, compose by keyboard that called Become Part Of Me application, and partiture reader that called BeAdmire application. Implementation functional distribution musical works is channel system. Implementation this system is capable of performing the integration between BeatME online and Real Time Server BeatME and this system can comply the functional request.

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