
Epoxy is a thermosetting material that is widely used as an adhesive. Epoxy has the advantages of good tensile strength, bending strength, and thermal stability. Epoxy is an adhesive that can bind various materials such as steel, copper, wood, iron, cement, plastic, and composites. Epoxy can be cured at room temperature with the addition of a hardener (curing agent). The curing agent affects the strength, hardness, durability, and adhesion strength of the epoxy. Along with the advancement of shipping technology, other alternatives were found in the construction of wooden ships, namely the laminate system. Wood lamination usually uses an epoxy resin material. Research on the strength of laminated materials for wooden hulls is an interesting scientific discussion to obtain new alternative materials that can be applied to wooden hulls. With this lamination method, it is very possible to replace wood because, with lamination, the material in addition to having better strength is also easy to obtain at a cheaper price than wood. Considering that this laminate material is still rarely used on ships, it is necessary to test the adhesive material. This research was conducted to see the mechanical characteristics and evaluate the use of laminated materials. The tests carried out included tensile test, and adhesive test which were carried out in the laboratory to obtain results to analyse the strength and durability of the wooden hull. The adhesive strength of DGEBA epoxy on teak wood has the highest adhesive strength on Epoxy-Amide with a paint coating of 4.43 MPa and tensile strength of 1.5 MPa. Meanwhile, the highest adhesive strength for Epoxy-Amine with paint coating is 4.76 MPa and tensile strength of 3.63 MPa which is applied to teak wood as a wooden ship hull material.

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