
Accurate traffic prediction is crucial for urban planning, especially in rapidly growing cities. Traditional models often struggle to account for sudden traffic pattern changes, such as those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Neural networks offer a powerful solution, capturing complex, non-linear relationships in traffic data for more precise prediction. This study aims to create a neural network model for predicting vehicle numbers at main intersections in the city. The model is created using real data from the sensors placed across the city of Zilina, Slovakia. By integrating pandemic-related variables, the model assesses the COVID-19 impact on traffic flow. The model was developed using neural networks, following the data-mining methodology CRISP-DM. Before the modelling, the data underwent thorough preparation, emphasising correcting sensor errors caused by communication failures. The model demonstrated high prediction accuracy, with correlations between predicted and actual values ranging from 0.70 to 0.95 for individual sensors and vehicle types. The results highlighted a significant pandemic impact on urban mobility. The model’s adaptability allows for easy retraining for different conditions or cities, making it a robust, adaptable tool for future urban planning and traffic management. It offers valuable insights into pandemic-induced traffic changes and can enhance post-pandemic urban mobility analysis.

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