
The development of natural resources in the Far North is constrained by the water factor, because intensive use of water resources by the extractive industry enterprises is associated with expenditure, losses, water pollution. As a result, it has a significant impact on the state of the hydrosphere and all other components of the environment. Discharge of untreated and insufficiently treated wastewater into surface water bodies by camp settings constantly worsen their condition. Wastewater is contaminated with phosphorus, nitrogen, all kinds of bacteria, it can also contain viruses and helminth eggs, and it contains large quantities of synthetic surfactants, which are formed after bathing, washing and laundry on the camp settings of the extractive industry enterprises. Wastewater flow rate is 1400 m3/day in the camp settings. However, the degree of toxicity of water-discharge is no less than that of large cities. The characteristic features of wastewater from camp settings and sewerage systems are: remoteness from sources of centralized power supply, water supply and sewerage (isolated location); the interruptions in the supply of wastewater to structures and a low population density (up to 70 people/ha); increased concentrations of contaminants because of the relatively low standards of wastewater disposal (depending on the degree of buildings improvement). Thus, small sewerage treatment facilities are complex, difficult-to-control biological systems operating in an unfavorable mode of a constantly changing composition of wastewater. It should be noted that the published information on the topic of domestic sewage wastewater treatment has a limited scope, due to the specificity of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of wastewater, natural and climatic conditions, and other factors. The work considers the treatment facilities of the Chukotka Autonomous District of the Far Eastern region of Russia (the Far North region), the microbiological composition of wastewater was studied, which is formed in especially unfavorable conditions (the Far North region), the conditions for the biocenosis formation and the reasons negatively affecting the biocenosis.


  • The development of natural resources in the Far North is constrained by the water factor

  • because intensive use of water resources by the extractive industry enterprises is associated with expenditure

  • it has a significant impact on the state of the hydrosphere

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Вестник Евразийской науки The Eurasian Scientific Journal

Ссылка для цитирования этой статьи: Носенко М.О. Анализ причин неэффективной работы очистных сооружений малой канализации в условиях Крайнего Севера // Вестник Евразийской науки, 2020 No4, https://esj.today/PDF/32SAVN420.pdf (доступ свободный). Analysing the reasons of the inadequate performance for small sewage treatment plants in the Far North.

Носенко Мария Олеговна
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