
Makerspaces and FabLabs have become prominent spaces in the prosumer and maker movements worldwide. Prosumers actively create products and services to meet their needs and wants. Availability of DIY manufacturing methods and digital fabrication tools are increasingly accessible; design and manufacturing knowledge, and reuse of parts and components, are also factors to consider. The prosumer system is influenced by economic factors and domestic fabrication costs. Emotional attachment and sustainability are also key components of the prosumer movement. Nevertheless, not everyone is inclined to become a prosumer for a variety of reasons. Prosumer design limitations need to be understood and evaluated, as do mechanisms and methods for identifying which concepts can be developed into successful products. A key objective of this work is to evaluate the transition from an idea to a fully functional product by identifying barriers and enabling factors, such as knowledge, resources and motivation. To assess the feasibility and success of prosumer-designed products, theoretical frameworks, metrics and evaluations are conducted.

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