
The discussion on the role and influence of public relations within the integrated marketing communication (IMC) structure has been deliberated on for years without a firm conclusion. This is particularly given the fear that integrated communication will lead to a domination of public relations (PR) by marketing with public relations performing a more tactical role. Scholars have debated on whether PR has enough influence to affect the integration process in organisations. The chapter contributes to the discussion by examining the views of 15 PR practitioners in Ghana using a cross-sectional qualitative study. Findings show that IMC is premised on coordinating the various promotional tools to achieve organisational goals. PR is integral to the IMC structure and functions at the managerial level. IMC is coordinated within the broader PR function, making PR very influential. Overall, influence is enacted by affecting organisational decisions, being the point of call for all communication/information, showing their value as experts in the field and having a broader role. Thus, PR practitioners in emerging economies should lead their organisations’ communication integration efforts. Additionally, PR practitioners should lead cross-functional teams in the development and implementation of integrated communication strategies with elements of various communication disciplines.

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