
Background/aim The aim of this study was to investigate the possible toxicity of the Ankaferd Blood Stopper (ABS) on the neural system.Materials and methods Thirty Sprague Dawley rats were randomized into ABS (n: 15) and control (n: 15) groups. Following the anaesthetic induction, total laminectomy was performed to the lower thoracic, and upper lumbar areas in both groups and medulla spinalis was exposed. Two myelotomies were performed on the medulla spinalis. One millilitre ABS was applied to the incision site in the ABS group, and one millilitre 0.9% saline solution was applied in the control group. Rats were observed for 15 days regarding general behaviour, neurological signs, mobility, and signs of infection. Sixteen days later, all rats were decapitated under anaesthesia. Medulla spinalis was removed en bloc from all rats and was stained with Heamatoxylin & Eosin and luxol fast blue.Results There was no significant difference between the ABS group and the control group regarding oedema, gliosis, the intensity of inflammatory cells, the presence of neuronal degeneration, neuron counts, and myelin degeneration.Conclusion No clinical or histopathological evidence for the neurotoxic effect of the ABS was observed in the present study. Our findings might precipitate the use of ABS on human subjects regarding medulla spinalis surgery.

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