
In virology, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have demonstrated potentials to revolutionize the detection of diseases, understanding the behaviors of viruses, and developing strategies that are effective for treatments. This article explores the current applications of AI in healthcare and virology universally, focusing on India and highlighting the advancements, challenges, and potentials in these critical domains. The dialogue underscores the transformative power of AI and the strides made globally and in India. While AI unfolds tremendous opportunities, setbacks related to data privacy, ethical considerations, frameworks of regulation, training the workforce, and liaisons that are collaborative require attention to fully realize the potential of AI. While AI technologies stand primed for refraining detection and understanding of viruses and speeding discovery of vaccines, ethical considerations such as privacy of data, biases in algorithms, and integration of judicious AI require circumspection to ensure ethical and equitable utilization of AI technologies in healthcare. By tackling these challenges and harnessing opportunities presented by AI, we can extract transformative vigor for enhancement of outcomes of healthcare and efficiently traverse adversities of health globally.

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