
Usability is the ease with which a user can navigate through a website. Your goal is to improve the user experience during your interaction with the website. Currently, there are many guidelines and recommendations whose objective is to enhance the user experience. But no standard or list includes these recommendations in a single guide.Usability, unlike accessibility, can be more intuitive. Because the developers themselves are in turn users and can use intuition during the development of websites. One can think that there is an innate behavior during the use of the usability guidelines and that therefore a user guide is not necessary.This research aims: 1) to collect all the usability guidelines and define their objectives. 2) seeks to find out if there is indeed an innate behavior of developers when they apply these guidelines.This research presents usability guidelines compiled and classified into five groups:(1)Recommendations to reduce "noise"(2)Follow conventions(3)Give information quickly and comprehensible(4)Efficient and understandable controls for users to enter information(5)Give answers descriptive and understandable to the actions of the usersThe purpose of the work is to analyze the recommendations (4) Data entry, efficient and understandable controls for users to enter information.To analyze this objective, the behavior of 20 web developers without training or experience in usability is studied. The experiment aims to reach conclusions about whether there is innate behavior on the part of IT engineers. Or if they need specific training.The objectives are: 1) to know which recommendations are the most forgotten by web developers. 2) to see the importance of the recommendations, in web developers view.

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